Serene Aesthetics的代言人陈思予发片了!除了搞笑翻唱阿牛的《對面女孩看過來》,重新改編成《靚仔,看過來》外,還和化妝大师Christina Lim及Serene Aesthetics美容总监Serene Lim 首次联手合作。《靚仔,看過來》讲的是有自信的女性,凡事往好的方面想,所谓有志者事竟成。
Serene Aesthetics选择与陈 思予合作 的原因很简单,从她的CD 里你 们也能听得出她还是她;她不仅天生丽质,而且性格踏实、平凡中散发出不平凡的气质,正好配合 Serene Aesthetics 三叶草的概念。Serene Aesthetics 专 业的脸部护理,让大家看到从内至外都是美丽的她。 我们坚信选 择一个伙伴不一定要第一名,态度完善才是第一名,所以 Serene Aesthetics 也找到 适合的“她”了。 三方初次见面后,马上 决定合作并获Serene Aesthetics贊助了高達五位數的製作費。
推介礼当天,好姐妹苏盈芝、好友Baki及第二电视新闻主播張旖雯也意外現身,苏盈之 更奉上222個漏夜赶工亲手烘焙的muffin打气,让陈思予二度飙淚。
For the first time, a tie-up between 3 women- The Founder of Serene Aesthetics Serene Lim, Make-up Guru Christina Lim and Miss World Malaysia 1st runner up Cindy Chen. Being a cutting-edge fashion stylist, Serene Aesthetics will tie-up with Christina Lim is due to her hardworking and beautiful attitude which has obtained many respects and has become an icon in the industry. Working with her is a great honour, said by Serene Aesthetics Founder, Serene Lim and she decided to supply facial care for Christina’s Face Image Academy for practical training purposes.
Right after the initial meetings of the three, the collaboration took place immediately. 5 figures sponsorship, excluding additional A&P budget by Serene Aesthetics to help promote Cindy Chen and bring her to another level.
To Read More:娱乐/陈思予说:“叫我老二”/
左起:OneFM DJ Jess,圈内好友八度空间主持人Baki,好姐妹蘇盈之,Serene Aesthetics 代言人陈思予, Serene Aesthetics 创办人 Serene Lim,化妆大师 Christina Lim 及
Form Left: One FM DJ Jess, Baki, Wincci Soo, Serene Aesthetics Ambassador Cindy Chen, Serene Aesthetics Founder Serene Lim, Make-Up Guru Christina Lim & Lee
Face Contour Lift Treatment First Trial only RM88 (Usual Price RM238)
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