Hydrafacial Lite Treatment

First Trial at RM 98 (np. RM 238)


Marine Collagen Treatment

Marine Collagen Treatment (120 min) 海洋胶原蛋白护理 (120 分钟)Collagen is a type of protein that plays an essential role for reconstitution of skin structure. It provides our skin with strength, flexibility and resilience. This collagen-centric procedure provides dermal repair and anti-ageing benefits, thus reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It also promotes the regeneration of collagen and elastin fibers. Besides, collagen serum contains the essential components...

1st Trial Therapy

ONLY RM88 (Usual price: RM238)for first trial therapy+ RM 1 Entitled 1 x Shoulder Hot Stone MassageGrab our 1st trial facial treatment therapy promotion at only RM88:Face Contour Lift Treatment (105 Mins)重塑脸部轮廓紧肤护理 (105 分钟)If you desire a sharper, slimmer and well-defined facial contour, then this treatment will be ideal for you as it firms up the skin, enhances facial features and reactivates collagen synthesis. This treatment helps improve skin's...


白皙亮丽与维他命C系列细润,白皙亮丽话题永远是热门焦点,尤其在紫外线大大发威,年龄的增长也会导致皮肤干燥,失去弹性。要让自己拥有细润,白皙亮丽的皮肤,正确的护理是一定 要的。美白调理产品都有其他附加功效,如保湿功能可以提高肌肤的含水量,让肌肤在净白的同时,让肌肤更具透明感,还原白里透红的感觉。白皙亮丽保养法Brightness Vitality Serum采用高科技Vit.C Liposoms促进胶原的合成,抵抗自由基及抗炎功效,可迅速抵抗暗淡无光及恢复健康亮丽色泽,早晚涂于清洁后的肌肤,可与同一系列产品配搭,效果更好。 Read More..Energizing Moisturizing Cream经过Microcaps无油性配方,将有效活性成分,深层滋润肌肤,同时含10% Vit. C为肌肤提供最基本的营养保障,使皮肤光滑,光彩照人。C-Vital Intensive Care Anti-Wrinkle将被分离的维他命A由Microcaps的分子成分能够深层渗入皮肤及释放有效成分在皮肤底层,可刺激细胞再生,活化肌肤,滋润及抗衰老,使皮肤柔滑,细润,白皙亮丽。建议到美容院做特别护理,来加强Vit. C的吸...

Brightness Vitality Serum-Microcaps Vitamin C 20%

Size : 30mlTexture : GelColor : OrangeIndication : Day by day you will see your skin acquire a smoother, brighter, healthier glow.The Brightness-Vitality Serum 20% Vitamin C fights tired dull and stressed complexions and brings back the glow to your skin. This texture blends into your skin without leaving any trace of greasiness. The Cosmetic Research Group Laboratories have invented a new technological process, which consists of the encapsulation...

Beauty Tips-Drink 8 glasses of water daily

Does drinking 8 glasses of water keep my skin moist?It is good to keep your body,including your skin hydrated. However the outermost layer of skin does not absorb water since it is made up of dead skin cells. Moisture level of skin is not determined by internal factors, but rather external ones, such as cold or hot air, dry heat and by number of oil-producing glands you have. So, to hydrate your skin, exfoliate weekly to remove dead skin then apply rich moisturizer while skin is still damp. Want to hydrate your insides then by all means, drink...